Guan Yu VS Space Invaders!!! 关公大战外星人
Wikipedia Is Wicked!!! Another Blast From The Past, courtesy of our good ol' Wikipedia, a pretty much ancient (1976!) Taiwan production with one of wackiest funky genre fusion movie concept ever!!! Cross-breeding Japanese's very own Daikaiju with Chinese Folklore/Fairy Tale, We see The Original God Of War (eat yer heart out, Kratos), Guan Yu (more well-known lately for his role in the Dynasty Warriors Series from Koei) emerges, Ultraman style, to defend Earth from puny space invaders, battling over Hong Kong's cityscapes! Unfortunately, no English Wiki page, but a Mandarin one is available for those who understands Mandarin to check out its absurd plot synopses in all its glory. A brief plot synopse extract from the mentioned Wiki page. 中国影坛有史以来耗资千万金元,第一部特技神怪灾难电影! 赵老先生是位已失明的雕刻家,一生一直是在雕刻中渡过。虽然,他每天所刻的不过是一块木头,却好似成为一种心灵上的寄托,一心一意要刻好这一座关公雕像。经过四年的时间,他一直不持续雕刻关公神像的工作,并且认为神像完成之时,将会产生无比神奇的力量。 Labels: Wikipedia Is Wicked |